English rabbits.
Sable rabbits.
My rabbits.
New litters.
For sale.
Care sheets.
Hand rearing.
Cylap reaction.
Food and hutches.
See how they grow!.
In their new homes.
Guinea pigs.
In memory of.

©  All photographs and

text are copyright

Fiona Wase, 2006-2024


Please do not use

anything from this website without my permission.

**       Please think carefully before buying any pet. You will need to be able to care for all of its needs for its whole life, which can be ten years or more for a rabbit and six years or more for a guinea pig. Bear in mind that a pet bought for an older child may still be alive when your child leaves home, and you will then need to take complete responsibility for it!

**       Owning a rabbit or guinea pig is a large commitment and I will not sell them to people who think it is acceptable to coop them up in a small hutch without attention, exercise and regular handling.  

**       Rabbits and guinea pigs are not cheap to own! You will initially need to spend money on a suitably-sized hutch and run, toys and bowls; then there is the ongoing expense of good quality food (dry and fresh), hay, beddingand any vet’s bills if your pet becomes unwell.

**       For rabbits, annual vaccinations for myxomatosis and VHD (there are now two strains - VHD/RHD1 and VHD/RHD2) will also need to be budgeted for. From April 2020 there is a new vaccine which protects against all three diseases. Due to the seriousness of these diseases, and in particular RHD2, all babies will be vaccinated before they leave me. The cost for this as of February 2024 is £52 with a basic health check or £67 with a full health check at my vets. You will receive a vaccination card as a reminder of when the vaccine needs to be redone the following year. The vaccine is not optional.

**       I no longer allow viewings of babies due to the risk of RHD2 being brought in. If there are babies under the age of 10 weeks then they are not protected until this age and therefore I will not risk having visitors. You can ask for photos or videos of course as an alternative.

**       You may also wish to insure your pet in case of any unexpected or expensive vet’s bills.

**       This is a hobby not a business - I breed for the satisfaction that I get out of it and in the hope that I will perhaps breed a rabbit good enough for the show table!  
Unlike some other breeders, I do not over-breed my pets - I will only have one or two litters from each breeding doe or sow per year. All money I receive from the sale of babies goes towards the costs I have had in rearing them (pellets, hay, greens, readigrass, bedding,etc).

**       No babies leave here until they are at least ten weeks old (rabbits) or six weeks old (guinea pigs). The minimum age at which to sell baby rabbits was increased in 2015 by the British Rabbit Council from 8 weeks to 10 weeks, as a responsible breeder I also changed to 10 weeks. Please do not expect them to be ready at an earlier age. If for any reason I feel that an animal is not ready to leave here I will keep it for longer until it goes to its new home. I do not take early reservations, this is due to baby rabbits being very vulnerable, you will be able to reserve from around the age of 6 or 7 weeks, not at birth or a week or two old like many other breeders do! You are welcome to express interest before this age however.

**       If you are under 18 years old, you will need your parents’ permission before I can sell a pet to you. I also expect the parents to take full responsibility for the pet if their child loses interest.

**       Payment is by cash or bank transfer - to reserve you need to leave a non-refundable deposit of £20 per animal. This is unfortunately necessary because of many previous time wasters. The deposit will only be refundable if something happens to the rabbit while in my care. Babies will be marked as ‘On hold’ until a deposit is received, and then marked ‘Reserved’.

**       I cannot 100% guarantee the sex of any baby rabbit, although I can give you a very good idea by the time they are ready to be collected at ten weeks old. I do not start to even look at their sexes until they are around five weeks old, please do not expect me to know whether they are bucks or does before this!

**       All animals are provided with a care sheet, supply of food and, in the case of rabbits, a vaccination card from my vet, plus any after care advice you may need.

**       If you want rabbits to live together they will BOTH need to be neutered (regardless of whether it is two bucks, two does or a buck and a doe - obvious in the last case or you’ll end up with lots of babies!) Neutering will reduce the chance of them fighting and also prevents does from getting uterine cancer, which is sadly very prevalent in older does - having lost several does to uterine cancer in the past, I would strongly recommend that ALL does are spayed.

**       I do NOT recommend that rabbits and guinea pigs are kept together, and will not sell this combination. Their dietary requirements are very different and bullying is likely to occur.

**       All pets will have had their nails trimmed before going to new homes.

**       Buyer should collect whenever possible; delivery within local area may be considered.
I  do accept certain couriers - please enquire if you are interested in using a courier to transport one of my rabbits to you. You will need a suitable carrier to take your pet home
in - a cat carrier is ideal. I do not let animals leave in cardboard boxes or on laps.

**       I do not sell to breeders unless I know them personally, due to being let down in the past.

**       I am very happy for you to contact me for general advice, nail clipping, etc.

**       I live in mid Wales - please check how far away from me you are to ensure it’s not too
far BEFORE you contact me! I do accept some couriers - please ask for more information about this if you are interested.
Please read the information below carefully if you are thinking of contacting me before viewing which animals are available at this time ....
Important information

Click here if you would like to know more about the rabbits that will be looking for new homes in the future...

Find me on Facebook and Instagram -
English rabbits (private group)