English rabbits.
Sable rabbits.
My rabbits.
New litters.
For sale.
Care sheets.
Hand rearing.
Cylap reaction.
Food and hutches.
See how they grow!.
In their new homes.
Guinea pigs.
In memory of.

©  All photographs and

text are copyright

Fiona Wase, 2006-2025


Please do not use

anything from this website without my permission.

Hello, my name’s Fiona, welcome to my site about my English and Sable rabbits.

I have information here about the care of rabbits and guinea pigs, and also pictures of my animals.  I keep purebred English and Sable rabbits and also a few guinea pigs.

There may be rabbits and guinea pigs for sale at times throughout the year, so please check to see what is available. All my rabbits and guinea pigs have been handled from an early age and are therefore very friendly.

On the care sheets page there is information about the care of rabbits and guinea pigs; there is also a page about hand rearing baby rabbits, following our experience of rearing a litter of English cross French lops, as well as several litters of English babies.
Updated 5th February 2025
I am a member of the British Rabbit Council as well as many regional clubs.

I live near to Llandrindod Wells, Powys, mid Wales, UK.  

I started keeping rabbits in 1980 and bought my first English rabbit in 1983 which is when I started going to rabbit shows. Apart from a few years when I was away at college I have had them ever since.

I also started breeding Sable rabbits back in 2010 - they are a normal fur breed, which come in two patterns - siamese sable and marten sable.

I am currently breeding and exhibiting purebred black and blue English as well as Sable rabbits and showing both rabbits and guinea pigs in local pet shows. I am on the look out for tortoiseshell English rabbits (as my does are now retired and spayed), fingers crossed I will find some this year (I have not had any tortoiseshell babies born since 2019).

Occasionally I may have baby and young adult rabbits looking for loving homes, all of which are healthy, friendly, well handled and fully vaccinated against myxomatosis and both strains of RHD/VHD. I do not have babies available all year round.

This is a hobby not a business - I breed for the satisfaction that I get out of it and in the hope that I will perhaps breed an English or Sable rabbit good enough for the show table!  


My pets are not used as breeding machines - I will only have one, very occasionally two, litters from each breeding doe or sow per year. All money I receive from the sale of babies goes back into their upkeep - towards food, bedding, vet’s bills, vaccinations and toys.

I firmly believe that the best place to get a pet is from a reputable breeder such as myself or a genuine rescue centre, rather than from a pet shop, a ‘backyard breeder’, dealer or commercial breeder. The Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent demand for pets unfortunately resulted in a lot of new breeders starting up, many of whom churn out litter after litter of babies, charge exorbitant prices, sell to the first person who asks, allow babies to leave when underage and offer no after care advice - in some cases do not even provide changeover food!


Reputable breeders will be able to show you what size your pet will grow to, give you advice on feeding and housing, provide a care pack when you collect and answer any other questions you may have, either beforehand, at the time you buy or in the months or years that follow. You will also have a chance to see the parents of your pet, and can be sure that he or she has been properly weaned and handled from an early age; this is sadly untrue for many pet shop and backyard bred rabbits and guinea pigs.  My rabbits are also vaccinated against myxomatosis and both strains of RHD/VHD at the age of seven weeks by my vet.


Unlike some breeders, I do not supply animals to pet shops. I believe that a reputable breeder should be concerned about where the animals end up, how much advice about care is given at the time of sale, and be prepared to provide a lifetime of aftercare advice.


I want to ensure that all animals leaving here do so with as much information as I can possibly give to their new owners so that I can be confident that they will be properly looked after for their entire life.

Find me on Facebook and Instagram -
English rabbits (private group)
Fully vaccinated young rabbits ready now!